Schools using uConnect can 10x student engagement in 3 months
Transform Your Career Services in 3 Steps:

Consolidate & Increase ROI
Unify fragmented tools and resources into a single platform that increases ROI and impact.

Reach Every Student
Engage commuters, working students, and underserved populations equitably.

Prove Impact
Leverage data and analytics to inform strategy development and prove your impact on student outcomes.
“University of Washington increased engagement with career services by 161% with uConnect.”
Trusted by 300+ Universities
What you’ll get in your free consultation

Discovery Call
30 minutes with a career services virtual engagement specialist

Individualized Audit
Identify gaps and opportunities with your current virtual engagement strategy

Custom Deliverable
Customized deliverable highlighting strengths, opportunities and recommendations
Close the Career Services Gap: Ensure Every Student Succeeds.
Schedule your demo to see how to engage all students—without increasing your budget.