Thanks! We’re excited to discuss further optimizing your CC+ platform with you.
Want to skip the back and forth of scheduling? Feel free to book your meeting now with your CC+ Platform Specialist, Alyssa Petersen.
Otherwise, be on the lookout for an email from her!
In the meantime, check out these resources we think you may find helpful:

Client Directory
Check out which of your peer institutions are leveraging uConnect and what their platforms look like!

Case Studies
Learn how other institutions leverage uConnect to increase engagement with career resources, tools, and information.

Use Cases
Learn about the key reasons why institutions are making the virtual career center a foundational part of their strategy.
“uConnect is bringing the most advanced marketing technology to the career center. Implementing uConnect has strengthened our department’s virtual presence with students, employers, and university constituents. Since our launch, visibility and engagement with our department has increased dramatically.”
“I’m not going to lie, uConnect makes Maribea [Merritt] and I look like all stars in our department. If you don’t have uConnect, you’re missing out.”
“uConnect’s approach to client onboarding and support is truly unmatched in the industry. Thank you for your partnership in helping us create something innovative, new, and incredibly valuable to our network. We could not have done it without your team!”
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